دانشگاه و توسعه فرهنگی: محمد رئوفی


عنوان مقاله [English]

Higher Educatin and Cultural Development

چکیده [English]

In this article higher· education and its importance from the standpoint of its effects on cultural development are examined. It is now widely believed that the acceleration of scientific progress in any country depends on its own research, development, innovation, and the capacity for assimilation of scientific advance made in other countries. However, for science and development to take root in a country it is required to produce a climate conducive to scientific work. This conforms to the general view that cultural development is a prerequisite to scientific development. 
Cultural development requires a mark change in social organization, a better sense of punctuality, a greater concern for planning, organization, and efficiency. It would certainly be more efficient if students could learn them directly through higher education, rather than indirectly through social-economic forces. Having analyzed the interrelatioships between higher educaation and society, the auther identifies the main gaps and impediments of the current higher educational system. Moreover, he emphasizes on the need for expansion of gap filling capacity of higher education system. Mr Raufi, the researcher of the Institute, has been especially emphatic in stressing the importance of adapting the higher eduction system in line with sociocultural structure of society. Furthermore, an emphasis on religious ideology influences the extent to which studentstake advantage of their capacity and the extent to which they respond to opportunities. mphasis on brotherhood of spirit recommend the abolition of negative individualism. These would result in a new demonstration of earnestness, perseverance, and ingenuity in the acquisition of knowledge. The editorial board has been fortunate m having the article published in the Journal.