نقش برنامه ریزی استراتژیک در توسعه کتابخانه های دانشگاهی: دکتر سیدجمال الدین طبیبی


عنوان مقاله [English]

Role of Strategic Planning in the Development of Academic Libraries

چکیده [English]

S.J. Tabibi(PhD)
This article looks at academic libraries and the role they play in supporting the educational mission of their institutions. The author-Dr. Tabibi, Dean of the College of Medical Management and Information Sciences - shows how strategic planning can influence and shape· the functions of academic libraries. Developed countries have recognized the· importance of close interinstitutional cooperation between academic libraries and their parent institutions in establishment of modern science, and contribution to technological advancement. The success of academic libraries can be assessed by their increasing capacity to meet the needs of students, professors, and researchers. This adaptation requires successful incorporation of electronic technologies, modification of the patterns of staffing, and development of library education programs dealing with computer and information science. These points lead to the conclusion that_ strategic planning is necessary to improve the effectiveness of the acadimic libraries. The article examines the nature of strategic planning, the available techniques, and the significance of its effects. The editorial board has been fortunate m having the· article published in the Journal.