تحلیلی بر تحولات نظام پرداخت حقوق و مزایای اعضای هیأت علمی: معصومه قارون


عنوان مقاله [English]

Salaries and salary Determination of the Faculty Members

چکیده [English]

Masomeh Gharoon, Faculty members at the Institute for Research and Planning in Higher Education
This paper focuses on the changes made zn the payment system of the university staff and higher education institutions. The author first describes the importance and states of the f acuity members in the realization of the missions and objectives of the higher education as well as the development of the country; she, then studies the process of legal changes made in the system of payment and allowances of the f acuity members from the time of the First Law of State Employment since 1922 up to now. The author, then embarks on analysing the trend of changes in payment and allowances with regard to purchasing power of the f acuity members. In this process a comparison . is made between payment and allowances of the staff members of our universites, and those of their counterparts in other sections. Finally  having analysed the comparison made between the salaries and allowances of the f acuity staff members both in and outside the country with their expenses, the reasons for the reconsideration in the payment system are given, and recommendations with regard to merit pay system are made. In the end the author concludes that: 1- If the existing trend continues, the decrease in the educational and researchactivities at the higher education level will be very disappointing. 2- The existing relative advantages are quite detrimental to the Public universities and research institutions. 3- The current payment system compared to the payment system at the international level is in such a way that it cannot encourge the enhancement of efficiency and competence of the staff members. Therefore, the author calls for both reconsideration in the payment system and creating a rational relationship between efficiency and payment based on merit system.