Guidelines for Authors

Guide for Authors

  • Only articles submitted through the publication's website at will be considered for review.

  • Submitted articles should be in the journal's specialized field and the result of the authors' research work. Review articles, case studies, applied and promotional articles relevant to the journal's topics will also be published.

  • Articles derived from dissertations and theses will be published under the name of the student, advisor(s), and supervisor(s), with the supervisor's endorsement and responsibility.

  • The main article should be uploaded in PDF format without the authors' names.

  • When submitting, care should be taken with the order of authors' names and identifying the corresponding author in the article, as no changes can be made once the article is registered on the website.

  • An article or any part of it should not be under review or published in any other journal, either domestically or internationally. The article should not be simultaneously submitted to other journals.

  • The official language of the journal is Persian, but articles in English will also be considered.

  • Translated articles from other languages will not be accepted.

  • The journal has the right to reject, accept, edit, condense, or modify the articles submitted.

  • The accuracy of the article's content, both scientifically and legally, and the responsibility for the opinions presented are the sole responsibility of the author(s), and publication does not imply endorsement of all its contents.

  • Rejected or withdrawn articles will be removed from the journal's archive after six months, and the journal will not be responsible for them.

  • Submitted articles should have a line spacing of 1 centimeter, with font size 12 for Persian text using B Mitra, and for Latin text, Times New Roman size 11 with 4 cm margins from the left, 5 cm from the right, 6 cm from the top, and 5 cm from the bottom.

  • The manuscript should follow the Persian script rules set by the Academy of Persian Language and Literature. All pages of the article, including figures, tables, and images, should be uniform and numbered, with the maximum length of the articles, including tables and diagrams, not exceeding 25 pages (or 7000 words).

  • Articles that do not comply with these guidelines will not be reviewed.

  • When submitting an article, the main file should be a PDF without the authors' names. A Word file with full details of the authors should also be submitted.

  • After submission by the author, articles will be reviewed within a maximum of one month. Articles are evaluated both formally and content-wise, and subject-matter experts are selected for a thorough review process. If an article does not meet scientific-research standards, lacks innovation, or does not fall within the journal's priorities, it will be excluded from the evaluation process by the editorial board. After review by specialized referees, articles may be rejected, accepted, or accepted conditionally subject to modifications (major or minor) by the author and re-evaluation.

  • Acknowledgment of sponsors is mandatory if financial resources have been used for writing the article.

  • Authors must ensure that the submitted article has not been published in any domestic or foreign journal and should not submit it to another journal until a final decision is received. Along with each article, the corresponding author must send a completed and signed commitment form. Articles without a completed and submitted commitment form will not be reviewed. The commitment form is available in the authors' guide section. The corresponding author must also complete and confirm the conflict of interest form before submitting the article. This form is also available in the authors' guide section. The corresponding author must print, complete, sign, scan, and submit the conflict of interest and commitment forms along with the article in the supplementary files section.

  • For inquiries related to articles, only use the system and email.

  • Review and publication of articles in this journal are free, and access to articles is open.

  • To respect the intellectual rights of authors, writers must use plagiarism detection software and provide the journal with a certificate of originality (publication of accepted articles in the journal is contingent upon providing a plagiarism certificate).

Guideline for Manuscripts


Submitted manuscripts must include the following sections:

First Page:

  • Full title of the article in Persian: The title, written in the middle of the first page, should be a concise and clear representation of the research topic and not exceed 20 words.

  • Name and surname of the author(s) in order of their contribution to the article.

  • Full address of the corresponding author and other authors including academic rank, place of service (faculty and university) or place of study, and their email addresses in the footnote.

  • Indication if the article is extracted from a thesis or project, and the name of the financial sponsor (if applicable) in the footnote.

  • Persian abstract: Includes a concise and comprehensive description of the article's content, emphasizing the research problem, objectives, methods, and results. The abstract should be in one paragraph and not exceed 350 words. This part should succinctly present the methodology and the most significant research findings without using undefined abbreviations, tables, figures, and references.

  • Persian keywords: (3 to 7 words) Key phrases should be chosen for indexing purposes.

  • Title, abstract, and keywords in English: A complete translation of the Persian title, text, and keywords.

Other Pages:

  • Introduction: The introduction should clearly state the research problem, review previous research, guide the research objectives, and especially highlight the novelty of the study.

  • Research Method: Explain the identification and evaluation methods, materials and tools used, research procedure, and statistical plan in detail. The specifics of the location, time, and method of conducting the experiment, along with data collection and statistical analysis methods, should be presented. Only the principles should be mentioned, avoiding detailed descriptions, unless they are innovative methods or special cases used for the first time.

  • Findings: Present logical and principled quantitative and qualitative results obtained (use tables, graphs, and classification of results if necessary). All numbers in tables and graphs should be aligned and from right to left. The title of each table should be placed at the top. After the word "Table" and its number, a line and then the title should be mentioned. Avoid sending tables and graphs as separate images. In the text of the article, accurately refer to the numbers of images, tables, and graphs (if present). All figures, graphs, and images should be named "Figure" and numbered below them. Images should be clear, high quality, and prepared in JPG format. The numbering of tables, figures, images, and graphs should be determined by the order of the results presented in the article. Specialized equations in the original language should be brought in footnotes and referred to in the text of the article with consecutive numbers.

  • Discussion and Conclusion: Analyze and interpret the results obtained with regard to the research objectives and findings of other studies. Results and discussion should be presented together. The results of the article, based on scientific sources related to the article's topic, should be discussed and analyzed, presenting new scientific and innovative findings with clear reasoning. Statistical findings and analyses should be reflected using scientific methods.

  • Suggestions: In this section, only practical and policy recommendations resulting from the research should be presented.

  • Acknowledgments: Acknowledge real and legal persons who have significantly contributed to the guidance or execution of the research, or in providing the budget, facilities, and equipment for the research.

  • References and Citations: Citations and the references list should follow APA 7.0 style guidelines.

     Important Note: When translating specific names and titles from Persian, it is necessary to accurately reference English works by Iranian authors and ensure the proper inclusion of names in English. In the translation of specialized titles of articles and Persian journals, necessary attention should be paid.




Publication of articles in this journal is contingent upon having an extended abstract in English. Authors whose articles have been accepted for publication in the journal are required to prepare and submit an extended abstract in English, ranging from 800 to 1200 words. The goal of the journal in publishing extended abstracts for articles is to facilitate international interactions among Iranian researchers. Extended abstracts are structured based on the main article and are presented in a more concise format, including sections such as abstract and keywords, introduction, methodology, findings, discussion, conclusion, and recommendations and references. In general, the extended abstract should be able to present the most essential content and research findings in a clear and fluent manner for the reader. Therefore, adherence to academic writing style in these extended abstracts is of utmost importance.


Article Review and Publication Costs

  • In this magazine, an amount of 4,000,000 rials is received for printing articles