Policy and Practice of Development of Higher Education in India



When the whole process of production, distribution and development is becoming knowledge centered, the importance of institutions of higher education has become very clear. Due a tradition of enquiry and articulation into the universe, self, role of state, economy, and social order in India, the system of Indian higher education dates back to the 6th century B.C. However, the modern higher education is only 140 years old. Policy guidelines given by Maccauly and Wood's Despatch, 1854, shaped the scope and the role of universities in the country; Although, after the 1930's desire for native education and need for imparting knowledge of India's philosophy, art and literature gaind momentum. Therefore, community supported institutions of higher education founded. In 1948, . the Government set up University Education Commission which was the first policy formulating body on higher education in independent India. The commission deliberated on the issue of teaching staff, teaching standards, graduate and professional studies and research. Some institutional mechanism, like University Grants Commission, implement certain norms in India and the National Policy on Education - Established in 1986 - Promotes equity, quality, and improvement in the system of education and higher education. 
by: G.D. Sharma Secretary 
University Grants commission