Investigation the rate of postgraduate students’ commitment to academic and post academic norms


1 Graduate student of social issues of Iran, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities - Social Sciences, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran.


In recent decades, science norms as institutional requirements of scientific occasions have been noticed by thinkers in sociology. In this regard, the collection of academic and post academic norms have been emphasized. The basic purpose of this study was to investigate the rate of postgraduate students’ commitment to academic and post academic norms influenced by scientific sociability and formation of academic identity in statistical population under study. This study was a social survey and research data were collected through questionnaire technique. Statistical population consisted of all postgraduate students in Isfahan, Kashan universities and Art University of Isfahan. Three hundred twenty people were selected by Sample Power software as a sample size. Validity and reliability of research variables were investigated and verified by compound reliability and Cronbach’s Alpha. The results of study indicated the rate of students’ commitment to academic and post academic norms 19.3 and 40.9, respectively. Moreover, the effect of scientific socialization on students' commitment to academic and postgraduate norms was equal to 41% and 36%, respectively, and the effect of student identity on the mentioned norms was equal to 27 % and 29%, respectively. According to achieved SRMR for the model of commitment to academic norms (0.09) and post academic norms (0.10), it can be concluded that the model has an optimal fitness. Overall, the results indicated that students studied are more inclined to commit to post academic norms than to commit to academic norms.


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