Globalization and Higher Education A Gap Between Theory and Action - New Strategies for Development of Iranian Higher Education System


Department of Higher Education Management, Institute for Research and Planning in Higher Education, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: This article summarizes the findings of study which has been conducted in framework of the preliminary researches for the fifth development plan of the Iranian higher education sector. Conceptualization of “globalization”, as a complex concept, and its impact on higher education system, require to be examined on historical aspect.
Materials and Methods: For developing the theoretical issues into action domain, our study is followed by reexamination of the impacts of these phenomena on higher education systems in developed and developing countries. For having more applicable findings, the situation of Iranian higher education system in global – international context, will be discussed, based on pathological approach and meta-analysis.
Results: It is found that, between knowledge and information society, there should be a clear distinction.
Conclusion: Finally, according to theoretical and empirical findings of this investigation, and also considering the situation of Iranian higher education system, the appropriate strategies will be proposed.
